RE: RE: HEADACHES/odorless fume correction
EcoColors, Inc.

Message Board

Post #629

RE: RE: HEADACHES/odorless fume correction

It is not the ppd you are referring to. The toxic odorless fume in non ammonia colors is called monoethanolamine, sometimes referred to as MEA or ethanolamine. The ppd you referred to is an oxidative dye used in permanent haircolor. Some people are allergic to various quantities of ppd. Different haircolor brands contain varying amounts of ppd.Some individual who reacted to other brands do fine with Ecocolors and some are still allergic.   EcoColors hair color is PPD FREE. ALWAYS do an allergy patch test and a strand test before applying any new color to your entire head.

Posted by: lisaul

This is a reply to message 633 by lmjgeorgia  

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