RE: Color Fading
EcoColors, Inc.

Message Board

Post #1132

RE: Color Fading

Fadage may be caused for various reasons. Porous hair;Apply the EcoColors/developer mixture DILUTED by half with water on previously colored ends only the last five minutes of processing time. Applying full strength color and developer to previously colored ends will cause the hair to be too porous. Swimming and sunshine both add to the porosity of colored hair. Suggest your customers use EcoColors aloe based shampoo directly after swimming to remove chlorine or mineral build up.   If fadage continues , we suggest they add a color depositing shampoo to their routine in the summer. Also make sure they are not using alkaline or bodifying shampoos, as this will encourage fadage.

Posted by: ecocolorsinc

This is a reply to message 1136 by THarris  

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