3 questions: PPD levels & salons in Seattle, & one more....
EcoColors, Inc.

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Post #294

3 questions: PPD levels & salons in Seattle, & one more....

Hi there ~    First off, want to send a big "thank you" to EcoColors for creating hair dyes that do less harm ~ that rocks.    My first question is this: how do the levels of PPDs in EcoColors compare to other natural hair colors? I used to use Naturtint and had to give that up for awhile since I was getting sickly afterwards. (I'm in detox mode, but not dying my hair makes me feel a bit sickly, too, so I'm searching for a balance =;)    Second question: Why the heck aren't there any salons in Seattle using EcoColors? With all of the natural/eco-friendly/organic/enviro consciousness out here, that seems crazy....    Thirdly, what difference, if any, is there between the home haircolor and the professional?    Many thanks for your response,    mary

Posted by: circ23

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