Platinum Blonde to Red (warm auburn)
EcoColors, Inc.

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Post #380

Platinum Blonde to Red (warm auburn)

Hi! I went blonde a couple months ago - it was still kinda brassy so when I went back last week, I requested that the brassiness be taken care of. Well now I have what I guess is all over platinum blonde, which isn't what I was going for. Plus, I had a blistering reaction on my forehead and over my ears.      After all this, I want to use something more natural and I would like to go back to my red color - I would need to do it myself and I don't want to have my hair be scary red with it going on over this platinum.      Can you tell me what I would need to order to get back to my auburn? I would even go to lite auburn if that should be my first step.      My regrowth with be a dark brown with 40% grey.      Thanks! ~Donna

Posted by: deekvee

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